Shipping Policy
Hollywood DJ Shipping Policy
When you place an order with Hollywood DJ, we will estimate shipping and delivery dates for you, based on the availability of items ordered and the shipping options you choose. Orders placed after 2:30pm (pst) will ship on the next business day.
Saturdays and Sundays do not qualify as business days. If you placed your order on Friday, it will be shipped the following Monday. However, we do aim to get your order out quickly, and lots of orders do go out the same day.
- Free Shipping - Estimated delivery from 7 to 10 business days
- Most items DO qualify for free ground shipping.
- Free Shipping does NOT apply to special orders, oversized/overweight products, clearance / open box products and orders that used a coupon code.
- While we'd love to ship everything free, there are some exclusions. Separate handling fees may apply to items that qualify for free shipping.
Oversized Items - Yep, we have some really large cases and speakers that don't qualify for free shipping.
Standard Shipping - The estimated delivery time from 3 to 5 business days
3 Day Select - Estimated delivery time 3-day transit not counting the shipping day
Second Day Air - Estimated delivery time 2-day transit not counting the shipping day
- Next Day Air - Estimated delivery time 1-day transit not counting the shipping day
We Do Not Ship to PO Boxes - A valid residential address must be provided. If you provided a PO box, we will contact you to provide a street address. This will cause delays for your shipment, so please make sure to update your address properly.
Due to manufacturer restrictions, we are limited in what we can ship outside of the United States. Please call us at 800-700-4542 to find out if the item(s) you are interested in can be shipped internationally.